Taiwan Xi En & Project 117

project 117Taiwan Xi En

As you know if you’ve spent any time on my blog or being my friend, I adore Taiwan Xi En (台灣希恩), an orphanage in Kaohsiung, Taiwan that supports unwed mothers and helps orphans in a country where there is a desperate need for this kind of love-in-action. I’ve volunteered with Xi En for the past four years, and I can testify that this ministry is changing and saving lives. The organization is already flourishing in Taiwan (having processed over 50 adoptions and assisted multiple women in need), but because of recent changes to national adoption laws regarding which organizations qualify to process adoptions, Taiwan Xi En must become a licensed adoption agency, legally recognized by Taiwan. In order to do this, the organization needs to raise a large amount of money in a short amount of time.

What’s the big deal about this little orphanage?

Watch this eye-opening video for the answer to that question:

How can I help?

First of all, please commit to pray for this ministry. Through prayer and God’s faithfulness, this ministry has grown up out of a simple conversation between two friends. God can do immeasurably great things when His people pray.

Second, consider supporting Taiwan Xi En through Project 117, an intensive fundraising campaign lasting from September 28 ~ November 28, 2013. There are multiple ways you can give, for instance by filling a baby bottle with loose change, by purchasing Project 117 merchandise, or by simply donating money.

The campaign name is inspired by Isaiah 1:17. DO GOOD. SEEK JUSTICE. DEFEND ORPHANS. Check out http://www.project117.org for more information about how you can be involved.

8 thoughts on “Taiwan Xi En & Project 117

  1. I adore your passion for this ministry. I stumbled across your blog a while ago. I am currently waiting to adopt and found this ministry by mistake. But we all know God does not make mistakes. I found this ministry because of him. I love what they do and want to help them in anyway that I can. I used to volunteer at a crisis pregnancy center (where I used to live) and know all to well the need for such ministries.

    1. Nothing is closing. The laws are just affecting international adoptions and slowing the process some. It seems the Lord is really moving here though, so we’re praying that Taiwan Xi En can raise enough money to apply for official orphanage status soon.

        1. Interestingly, the House of Hope has more babies now that it ever has in the past! I think they are up to 15 or 16 babies. The local hospitals and government agencies are knocking down the door to give the House of Hope more babies to take care of because there are almost no other places that will take infants like Taiwan Xi En will

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